Thursday, October 25, 2007

Oh the Wonders of Technology...

In a search to find helpful information that would educate me on the growing use of technology in the field of event planning, I came across two extremely important and helpful articles.

First I found an article written by Paul McDougall, he explains the new Microsoft Windows event planning tool. The tool is called Windows live events and it claims to offer innovative design templates for invitations and even web pages where attendees to keep track of the event. This tool is intriguing to me because I am an extremely visual person and this allows me to be creative and have fun.

Another article I found focused on a more serious issue when planning events. Technology: The Newest Weapon in Event Planning by Robert Wolf describes the many ways that technology can be involved in securing important events (i.e. political, athletic, and celebrity). Ironically the main technology discussed in this article was developed by Microsoft as well. The E-Sponder is said to provide 'critical information' and 'enhanced situational awareness' during events. I find this extremely important in the field of event planning where security must remain tight in order to ensure the attendees safety.

1 comment:

The Lecturer said...

I agree these are both fascinating technologies--security does add a whole other layer of important planning to large events. This field seems like a good choice, a good balance between skill and creativity. I look forward to reading more!