Saturday, November 3, 2007

My Last Semester...

Next semester I will be finishing up my time at Texas A&M University. After visiting my counselor in the Communication Department, I found that not only do I have a few extremely difficult and time consuming courses left to take, but I also have a few general electives. This news sparked my interest. Searching the catalog for something interesting and fun to take I came across Photography, listed under ENDS 311. In High School this was my favorite course, and I feel as though it would be almost therapeutic while I endure the last few difficult classes in my college career. This skill of photography is also something I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I do not plan on making a career out of it, but I do feel as though it is a wonderful hobby that I will continue to enjoy past college. When I first took photography I used strictly manual camera, having to set the aperture and f-stop before every shot. Now, with the growing technology and innovations I am excited to learn how to use an automatic, and brush up on my skills in the dark room!


jenna said...
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The Lecturer said...

I want to take this class, too! But not for the same reason as the previous